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Purchase of electricity from renewable energy power generation facilities, etc.

Electricity from renewable energy power generation facilities in the Kanto area * will be purchased through the following means after consultation.

* Kanto area: Tochigi Prefecture, Gunma Prefecture, Ibaraki Prefecture, Saitama Prefecture, Chiba Prefecture, Tokyo (excluding islands), Kanagawa Prefecture, Yamanashi Prefecture, and Shizuoka Prefecture (east of the Fuji River)

Renewable energy power generation facilities that are subject to the "Feed-in Tariff Scheme for Renewable Energy"

・Please see "About the Feed-in Tariff Scheme for Renewable Energy."

Renewable energy power generation facilities that are not subject to the "Feed-in Tariff Scheme for Renewable Energy"

Purchase price of electricity from renewable energy sources, etc. (PDF:141KB)

Surplus electricity from private power generating facilities at factories and other facilities in the Kanto area will be purchased through the following means after consultation.

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