Plant Data of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station at the time of the Tohoku-Chihou-Taiheiyou-Oki Earthquake
1. Description of data
- Description of data
[Corrected on July 17, 2013]
<Reference: Reports posted in the past>
Reported on May 16, 2011
2. Chart
- Unit 1
- Unit 2
[Corrected on July 17, 2013]
- Unit 3
[Corrected on July 17, 2013]
- Unit 4
- Unit 5 ( 1 [Corrected on July 17, 2013] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 )
- Unit 6 ( 1 [Corrected on July 17, 2013] 2 3 4 5 6 7 )
- Common Pool
<Reference: Reports posted in the past>
Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 5(1) Unit 6(1)
3. Data of abnormal events including alarm records
<Reference> Additional data from the date when printing was started to the date when the reactor was brought to cold shutdown state [Added onJuly 17, 2013]
Unit 5 Unit 6(1) Unit 6(2) Unit 6(3)
4. Operation logs
5. Data of process computers
6. Data of transient recorders
Additional data of the transient recording device [Added onJuly 17, 2013]
(Reference) Additional data of the transient recording device [Added on May 10, 2013]
* As for the time data obtained every minute by the transient recording device at Unit 1 in Fukushima Daiichi NPS (announced on May 10), the digit of second has not been displayed. Therefore, we have corrected this error. (Corrected on May 21)
7. Compilation of operation records
- Compilation of operation records
[Corrected on July 17, 2013]
- Additional data of the fire fighter pump flowmeter during the measurement period of the Accident Management Pane
[July 17, 2013]
<Reference: Reports posted in the past>
After corrected on June 13, 2011 Reported on May 16, 2011
<Reference>Additional data of the fire fighter pump flowmeter during the measurement period of the Accident Management Panel [September 9, 2011]
8. Plant parameters
- Graph
[Corrected on July 17, 2013]
<Reference: Reports posted in the past>
After corrected on June 13, 2011 Reported on May 16, 2011
- Data
[Corrected on July 17, 2013]
<Reference: Reports posted in the past>
After corrected on June 13, 201 Reported on May 16, 2011