Fukushima Daiichi Timeline after March 11,2011
All reactors in
cold shutdown -
Start making full-scale
measures against
contaminated water -
Struggled in efforts
to deal with issues -
Completion of fuel
removal from Unit 4
spent fuel pool -
Completion of contaminated
water treatment -
Start of full-scale
investigation for
fuel debris removal -
2017 Fuel debris removal
methods for each Unit
determined -
2018 Prepare for fuel removal
from Units 3 spent
fuel pool -
2019 The method employed
to retrieve fuel debris
for the first unit
will be confirmed -
2020 Dismantling of the Unit
1/2exhaust stack in
cooperation with
a local company -
2021 Completion of fuel
removal from Unit3
spent fuel pool -
2022 In Preparation for
Fuel Debris
Retrieval from Unit 2 -
2023 Commencement of the discharge
of ALPS treated water
into the sea -
2024 Toward installing the large
cover at Unit 1FUKUSHIMA
Basic policies to
treat and dispose of
radioactive waste -
Fuel removal from
Units 1 to 2 SFPs -
Confirmed method
to remove fuel debris -
Treatment complete
of contaminated water
inside buildings -
Determining method to
treat and store spent fuel -
Start of fuel debris
removal -
Completion of
fuel debris removal -
Completion of
30-40years later