Fukushima Daiichi Decontamination & Decommissioning Engineering Company
Fukushima Daiichi Decontamination & Decommissioning Engineering Company has been established in order to clearly define the responsibilities and authorities for decommissioning and measures against contaminated water, to accelerate decision-making, etc.
Organizational Overview
Fukushima Daiichi Decontamination & Decommissioning Engineering Company was established in April 2014 in order to clearly define the responsibilities and authorities for decommissioning and measures against contaminated water, to accelerate decision-making, etc.
Since then, we have reviewed the organization and are currently working on decommissioning with the following organizational structure.

Message from D & D company President
We shall continue to fulfill the responsibility for the decommissioning work of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station.
The decommissioning process will take 30 to 40 years, but we will make every effort to enable Fukushima to recover while remaining conscious of our responsibilities. We are well aware that ensuring the safety of everyone involved in the decommissioning process, creating an environment that is easy to work in, bringing Fukushima Daiichi to a stable state that enables community residents to return home and giving peace of mind to society is our most vital mission.
Akira Ono, President
Fukushima Daiichi Decontamination & Decommissioning Engineering Company