

Please choose the appropriate form listed on the left based on the nature of your inquiry, and complete the required fields below. In the message field, please be as specific as possible about your inquiry.
Kindly note that we may require some time to respond to your inquiry, and we may not be able to answer all queries depending on the content.

* denotes required information

Name *
・Last Name
・First Name
Contact Details
・Telephone Number

(Telephone numbers should be daytime contact numbers)
・E-mail Address *
Note: If you are inquiring about your account, please include the Service Address for that account, your Customer Number and Telephone Number.

Customer Number Cust. no. location
This is written on your electricity consumption notice. If you are not sure, click the button above for a diagram showing where the number is located on the form.
・Service Office Number
・Service Area Number
・Customer Number
  -     -     -  
Service Address for your account
・Apartment Name 
・Room Number 
・City & Street
・Postal Code
Purpose of your inquiry *    
Subject *
Message *

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