Efforts to Promote Decontamination and Revitalization
To ensure the return of evacuees at the earliest possible time, we send our employees to join decontamination activities led by the national and municipal governments, provide technical support, clean up houses, and provide assistance to those who return to their homes temporarily.
Radioactive materials are treated mainly by the national government and municipalities in accordance with the Act on Special Measures concerning the Handling of Pollution by Radioactive Materials and other relevant laws and regulations.
TEPCO, as the party concerned in the accidents, makes utmost efforts in cooperation with the national government and municipalities to enable evacuees to return home at the earliest possible time.
- The number of employees engaged in revitalization promotion activities 510,000employees (Total between January 2013 and January 2020)
- The number of employees engaged in decontamination-related activities: 387,000employees (Total between January 2013 and January 2020)
Radiation dose monitoring
Cleaning of schools
Examining wetlands (vegetation, water levels, and water quality), improving the environment (by removing weeds and bushes), and performing similar work
- *
Rare plants that have been confirmed to grow in the area:
Drosera rotundifolia, Pecteilis radiata, Iris ensata, Sphagnum palustre, Iris laevigata, and Lobelia sessilifolia.
Snow removal from houses