Environmental Conservation Measures

TEPCO has continued to devote every effort to environmental conservation measures as we construct and operate our nuclear power stations.
As the new construction of Higashidori Nuclear Power Station Units 1 and 2 is no exception, we are implementing measures required to conserve the environment.

Land Animals

When building a power station, we minimize the amount of land development to only what is needed in order to reduce as much as possible the impact on wetlands, which provide a habitat for the important flora and fauna of the area.
And, in the wetlands that remain we have created a biotope network through the establishment of biotope corridors in an effort to reduce the impact on land animals.

Natural landscape

When constructing power stations, we aim to achieve harmony with the surrounding natural environment by choosing suitable colors for power station buildings and also planting trees, landscaping, etc., on site.

Environmental monitoring, etc.

During construction and after the commencement of operation, we perform follow-up surveys of biotope networks, and engage in the environmental monitoring of noise/vibration, water quality, thermal effluent, land animals, and marine animals, etc., for which the results are regularly disclosed.

Environmental monitoring results from the construction of Higashidori Nuclear Power Station Units 1 and 2 (Japanese Site)

Follow-up survey results report for the construction of Higashidori Nuclear Power Station Units 1 and 2 (Japanese Site)

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  6. Higashidori Nuclear Power Station Environmental Conservation Measures