History and current status of reprocessing agreements


As of the end of FY2023

Contractors Orano Recyclage
(nuclear fuel company in France)
(Nuclear Decommissioning Authority)
JAEA JNFL (*1) NuRO and JNFL(*2)
Reprocessing Plant Name UP-3 Plant THORP Plant Tokai Reprocessing Plant Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant
Annual Reprocessing Capacity(tU) 1,000/year 1,200/year 210/year 800/year
Contract Amount(tU) Approx. 630 Approx. 1,244 Approx. 223 Approx. 12,082 _ (*2)
Spent Fuel Delivery Period 1985-1993 1974-1995 1976-2005 1998-2016 2016-
Amount actually delivered(tU) Approx. 630 Approx. 1,244 Approx. 223 Approx. 1,065
Construction and Operation of Reprocessing Plant
  • November 1989:
    Operations partially started
  • August 1990:
    Full scale operations started
  • March 1994:
    Operations started
  • November 2018
    Operations ended
  • September 1977:
    Hot operation started
  • 1981
    Full start-up
  • March 2006:
    Active tests started
  • Within 2026
    Plan to full-starup (announced in Aug. 2024)
Amount Actually Reprocessed
Amount of Spent Fuel Reprocessed(tU)
Approx. 630 Approx. 1,244 Approx. 223 Approx. 156


  1. "Spent Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Fund Act" taken effect on October 1, 2016. An agreement for rereprocessing between Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited and TEPCO terminates .
  2. A responsibility for spent fuel reprocessing was transferred to the Nuclear Reprocessing and Decommissioning facilitation Organization of Japan (TEPCO pays contribution to the organization). Reprocessing to be done at company Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited ’s Rokkasho facility.

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