Plans for Rasing Equipment Funds(Net increase)


As of the end of FY2015

(Unit: billion yen)

FY Fund Requirements
(construction funds)
Internal Funds Internal Reserve Customer Contribution, etc. Capital Increase
(amount of issue)
Net Proceeds from Capital Increase External Funds Bonds
(amount of issue)
Proceeds from Bond Issue Borrowings Total
1985 1,104.3 949.3 883.1 66.2 (-) - 154.9 (311.0) 67.3 87.6 1,104.3
1990 1,353.4 973.0 972.1 0.9 (13.2) - 380.4 (600.0) 278.7 101.6 1,353.4
1995 1,399.2 1,092.6 1,047.3 45.2 (6.0) - 306.5 (600.0) 187.7 118.8 1,399.2
1997 1,279.8 1,317.6 1,264.9 52.7 (-) - -37.8 (856.3) 487.7 -525.5 1,279.8
1998 1,131.6 1,154.1 1,252.1 -98.0 (-) - -22.5 (799.7) 254.4 -277.0 1,131.6
1999 1,006.4 1,305.2 1,661.9 -356.6 (-) - -298.7 (595.8) -296.8 -1.9 1,006.4
2000 905.9 1,233.1 1,314.8 -81.7 (-) - -327.1 (700.0) -184.1 -143.0 905.9
2001 932.2 1,371.9 1,385.4 -13.4 (-) - -439.6 (763.5) -101.9 -337.6 932.2
2002 645.2 1,103.3 1,184.5 -81.2 (-) - -458.0 (800.0) 87.2 -545.3 645.2
2003 576.1 963.1 943.0 20.0 (-) - -387.0 (534.2) 70.7 -457.7 576,1
2004 464.2 1,141.3 1,120.7 20.6 (-) - -677.1 (250.0) 125.4 -802.5 464.2
2005 505.0 784.9 730.2 54.6 (-) - -279.8 (250.0) -156.2 -123.6 505.0
2006 496.3 944.0 955.4 -11.3 (-) - -447.6 (329.1) -400.0 -47.5 496.3
2007 568.8 274.2 445.0 -170.7 (-) - 294.5 (750.0) 55.6 238.8 568.8
2008 590.2 323.3 512.4 -189.1 (-) - 266.9 (670.0) 72.5 194.4 590.2
2009 592.1 957.5 627.6 329.8 (-) - -365.4 (240.3) -186.2 -179.1 592.1
2010 614.9 -903.9 349.9 -1,700.7 (449.0) 446.8 1,518.9 (235.0) -195.7 1,714.7 614.9
2011 674.4 1,301.0 51.1 1,249.9 (-) - -626.6 (-) -548.9 -77.7 674.4
2012 650.2 1,035.7 388.3 -350.0 (1,000.0) 997.4 -385.5 (726.4) -21.6 -363.8 650.2
2013 547.2 839.3 598.2 241.1 (-) - -292.0 (479.7) -155.8 -136.2 547.2
2014 571.0 1,174.5 696.9 477.6 (-) - -603.5 (99.6) -346.7 -256.7 571.0
2015 654.4 1,051.5 675.6 375.8 (-) - -397.0 (17.7) -420.3 23.2 654.4


  1. Figures for the actual results are expressed by dropping fractions smaller than 0.1 billion yen.
  2. Incidental construction costs are excluded.

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