Plans for Rasing Equipment Funds(Net increase, 10 Electric Power Companies)


As of the end of FY2013

(Unit: billion yen)

FY Fund Requirements
(construction funds)
Internal Funds Internal Reserve Customer
Contribution, etc.
Capital Increase
(amount of issue)
Net Proceeds from Capital Increase External Funds Bond
(amount of issue)
Proceeds from Bond Borrowings Total
1985 3,037.2 2,606.9 2,433.0 143.7 (31.0) 30.0 439.0 (866.2) 159.0 280.0 3,037.2
1990 3,826.2 2,682.9 2,690.7 -7.7 (34.7) - 1,143.2 (1,865.6) 862.1 281.0 3,826.2
1995 4,442.0 3,472.9 3,299.4 173.5 (17.9) - 969.1 (1,735.4) 356.3 612.8 4,442.0
1997 4,017.8 4,077.3 3,740.0 337.2 (0.0) - -59.5 (2,360.6) 753.8 -813.3 4,017.8
1998 3,553.1 3,480.5 3,654.5 -174.0 (-) - 72.5 (2,369.7) 714.3 -641.8 3,553.1
1999 3,258.7 3,812.2 4,247.7 -435.5 (0.1) - -553.5 (1,808.8) -262.4 -291.1 3,258.7
2000 2,927.0 3,761.8 3,870.2 -108.4 (-) - -834.7 (1,745.0) -478.5 -356.1 2,927.0
2001 2,632.6 3,733.5 3,965.5 -232.0 (0.0) - -1,100.8 (1,769.5) -601.9 -498.9 2,632.6
2002 2,075.9 3,473.0 3,694.8 -221.7 (0.0) - -1,397.1 (1,667.5) -101.8 -1,295.2 2,075.9
2003 1,770.5 3,419.5 3,483.7 -64.1 (-) - -1,648.9 (1,130.2) -483.5 -1,165.4 1,770.5
2004 1,512.5 3,551.8 3,602.6 -50.8 (-) - -2,039.2 (740.0) -792.3 -1,246.9 1,512.5
2005 1,497.9 2,001.1 2,136.3 -135.1 (56.2) - -503.2 (925.0) -54.1 -449.1 1,497.9
2006 1,529.1 2,452.0 2,727.1 -275.0 (-) - -922.9 (1,054.5) -332.2 -590.7 1,529.1
2007 1,854.2 1,710.5 1,991.4 -280.9 (-) - 143.6 (1,666.0) 306.2 -162.6 1,854.2
2008 2,124.2 1,355.1 1,957.1 -602.0 (-) - 769.1 (1,800.0) 367.5 401.5 2,124.2
2009 2,034.4 3,009.6 2,381.5 628.1 (-) - -975.2 (690.3) -183.1 -792.0 2,034.4
2010 2,123.1 548.2 2,223.9 -2,122.5 (449.0) 446.8 1,574.8 (775.0) -88.8 1,663.6 2,123.1
2011 2,123.2 863.0 475.2 387.7 (-) - 1,260.2 (-234.6) -1,291.9 2,552.1 2,123.2
2012 2,086.7 812.5 671.2 -856.1 (1,000.0) 997.4 1,274.1 (1,116.4) -82.8 1,356.9 2,086.7
2013 1,960.5 1,525.7 1,545.5 -19.7 (-) - 434.7 (915.9) -312.0 746.8 1,960.5


  1. Figures for FY2012 are those from "Statistics of Electric Power Industry."
  2. Figures for the actual results are expressed by dropping fractions smaller than 0.1 billion yen.
  3. Incidental construction costs are excluded.
  4. Numbers are for a total of 9 electric power companies (except Okinawa Electric Power Company) before FY1985.

Source: "Handbook of Electric Power Industry"

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