Transmission Facilities by Voltage


As of the end of FY2022

Overhead Underground
Route Length (km) Circuit Length (km) Number of supports (units) Route Length (km) Circuit Length (km)
500 2,542 4,698 5,286 40 79
275 1,164 2,310 3,132 404 1,152
154 2,932 5,957 9,998 311 781
66 7,727 14,998 24,787 3,706 6,972
Below 55 476 517 6,799 2,044 3,573
Total 14,841 28,480 50,002 6,505 12,557


  1. Route length refers to the total length between two points on a line (horizontal length between supports). Circuit length refers to the sum of the route length of each circuit on a line.
  2. Due to the Accounting Rules for Electricity Business amendment (effective from March 29, 2000), distribution facilities with voltage over 20 kV have been included in transmission facilities since FY1999.
  3. The sum is not equal to a total of breaskdown due to rounding.

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