Underground Transmission Line Installation Rate


As of the end of FY2023

At the end of FY TEPCO In Tokyo's 23 wards Total of 10 EP Co.
Overhead Lines
Underground Lines
Underground Installation Rate
Overhead Lines
Underground Lines
Underground Installation Rates
Overhead Lines
Underground Lines
Underground Installation Rate
1965 15,379 2,830 15.5 2,301 2,195 48.8 69,042 5,090 6.9
1970 18,393 3,764 17.0 2,331 2,704 53.7 90,553 6,943 7.1
1975 20,636 4,833 19.0 785 3,296 80.8 104,410 8,032 7.1
1980 22,964 5,967 20.6 741 3,783 83.6 115,483 10,143 8.1
1985 24,841 6,548 20.9 695 4,018 85.3 125,154 11,513 8.4
1990 26,126 7,548 22.4 644 4,335 87.1 131,192 13,639 9.4
1995 27,706 8,820 24.1 616 4,949 88.9 138,404 16,304 10.5
2000 28,847 10,933 27.5 619 6,373 91.0 145,020 19,645 11.9
2003 28,693 11,120 27.9 606 6,477 91.4 146,135 20,143 12.1
2004 28,661 11,178 28.1 603 6,506 91.5 145,620 20,317 12.2
2005 28,643 11,237 28.2 602 6,567 91.6 145,795 20,551 12.4
2006 28,615 11,325 28.4 585 6,651 91.9 145,948 20,729 12.4
2007 28,563 11,510 28.7 588 6,764 92.0 146,244 21,018 12.4
2008 28,541 11,652 29.0 573 6,769 92.2 146,213 21,345 12.7
2009 28,543 11,767 29.2 578 6,814 92.2 157,445 25,655 14.0
2010 28,556 11,925 29.5 572 6,901 92.3 157,341 25,942 14.2
2011 28,492 12,067 29.8 572 6,975 92.4 158,403 26,191 14.2
2012 28,345 12,210 30.1 572 7,036 92.5 158,445 26,429 14.3
2013 28,247 12,312 30.4 567 7,081 92.6 151,158 26,392 14.9
2014 28,405 12,340 30.3 567 7,075 92.6 151,389 26,772 15.0
2015 28,382 12,403 30.4 567 7,091 92.6 151,637 27,064 15.1
2016 28,365 12,325 30.3 567 7,030 92.5 154,706 27,205 15.0
2017 28,333 12,332 30.3 567 7,023 92.5 151,513 27,150 15.2
2018 28,314 12,349 30.4 566 6,777 92.3 151,625 27,243 15.2
2019 28,391 12,413 30.4 565 7,051 92.6 151,862 27,385 15.3
2020 28,584 12,474 30.4 566 7,059 92.6 152,298 27,434 15.3
2021 28,453 12,513 30.5 564 7,047 92.6 152,387 27,535 15.3
2022 28,480 12,557 30.6 563 7,041 92.6 152,573 27,593 15.3
2023 28,410 12,589 30.7 556 7,026 92.7 152,475 27,589 15.3


  1. Underground installation rate (%) = {Total circuit length of underground lines (extended lines) / (Total circuit length of overhead lines (extended lines) + Total circuit length of underground lines (extended lines))} x 100 (%)
  2. Due to the Accounting Rules for Electricity Business amendment (effective from March 29, 2000), distribution facilities with voltage over 20 kV have been included in transmission facilities since FY1999.
  3. Figures are given for a total of 9 companies (except Okinawa Power Company) before FY1985.

(Corrected on November 4, 2020)

   FY 2018   TEPCO Underground Installation Rate(%)                           〔Corrected〕30.4               〔Original〕29.8

   FY 2018   In Tokyo's 23 wards Underground Installation Rate(%)   〔Corrected〕92.3               〔Original〕92.2


   (Note) 1.Underground installation rate (%) = {Total circuit length of underground lines (extended lines) / (Total circuit length of overhead lines (extended lines) + Total circuit length of underground lines (extended lines))} x 100 (%)


   (Note)1.Underground installation rate (%) = (Total circuit length of underground lines (extended lines)/Total circuit length of overhead lines (extended lines) + Total circuit length of underground lines (extended lines)) x 100 (%)

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