Electricity Flowchart

Until the Electricity Reaches Our Customers

TEPCO generates electricity at hydro, thermal, nuclear and renewable energy stations, with this electricity passing through transmission lines, substations, distribution lines, and other equipment before reaching our customers.


There are various ways of generating electricity. In Japan, electricity is supplied by the skilled combination of the characteristics of hydro power, thermal power, nuclear power, and renewable energy.


The cables through which electricity passes from a power station to a substation are called "power transmission lines". The electricity generated at power stations in remote locations is transmitted at high voltage in order to transmit large amounts to consuming areas.


The facilities that perform functions along the transmission route, such as voltage step-up/step-down and frequency regulations, are called "substations". High-voltage electricity transmitted from power stations is gradually decreased in steps at substations before being sent to our customers' locations.


Electricity transmitted from power stations passes through substations before finally being delivered to our customers by use of electrical wires called "distribution lines". Our customers receive a stable supply of electricity with a suitable voltage.

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