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Press Release
Joint R&D Project for Developing a New Metering System

Jan 21, 2019

TEPCO Power Grid, Incorporated
Tokyo Gas, Limited
Industrial Technology Research Institute

TEPCO Power Grid, Inc. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan, President: Yoshinori Kaneko, hereinafter referred to as the “TEPCO PG”), Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan, Representative Director, President: Takashi Uchida, hereinafter referred to as “Tokyo Gas”), and Industrial Technology Research Institute (Headquarters: Hsinchu, R.O.C., President: Edwin Liu, hereinafter referred to as “ITRI”) have agreed to jointly conduct a demonstration project to develop the next generation metering platform in the area D of the Shalun Green Energy Science City in R.O.C.

ITRI plans to establish 7 energy-efficient smart houses (hereinafter demonstration houses) in the area D. TEPCO PG and Tokyo Gas, with ITRI’s support, will provide and install the metering system, which consists of power meters, water meters, gas meters, gateway and related servers, and will verify effectiveness of the system configuration as well as simultaneous application of wireless communication technologies, which are Wi-SUN FAN for field area network and Wi-SUN JUTA for communication among meters.

TEPCO PG, Tokyo Gas and ITRI will challenge for developing smart infrastructure to make a greener world.


Entity Role
TEPCO PG 1.Project management
2.Provision of instruments, facilities and information platform
3.Technical verification of Wi-SUN
4.Evaluation of the whole system
Tokyo Gas 1.Technical support for installing U-Bus Air (Wi-SUN JUTA) for gas and water meters
ITRI 1.Providing a demonstration site with appliances, PV, battery system and micro-grid control system
2.Support for installation of the system

2.Duration (including preparation period)
January, 2019 - December, 2020

3.Project Outline
In the project, TEPCO PG and Tokyo Gas will develop the metering system that applies wireless communication technologies, which are Wi-SUN FAN and Wi-SUN JUTA, in order to conduct technical evaluation to learn possibility of future application of the system.

TEPCO PG, collaborating with some Taiwanese and Japanese companies and National Cheng Kung University, will additionally install smart appliances and sensors with HEMS with ECONET/TaiSEIA communication to appliances in ITRI’s demonstration houses in order to evaluate the effectiveness and elemental technology of the whole system, including big data-analytics aiming for making more secured, convenient and greener society. (Published in June 15th, 2018)

These programs are all supported by ITRI.


Configuration of the System



5.Map of Shalun Green Energy Science City

Media Inquiries
Corporate Communication Office
Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc.: TEL +81(3)-6373-1111

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