Press Release
Submission of Notice of Changes to Details of Power Generation Business in Conjunction with the Decommissioning of the Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station

Sep 30, 2019

Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc. (TEPCO HD)

In accordance with TEPCO HD’s decision to decommission all reactors at the Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station, which was made on July 31 of this year, today we have submitted a notice of changes to the details of our power generation business to the Minister of the Economy, Trade, and Industry in accordance with Clause 27-27 of the Electric Utility Industry Law effective today, September 30.

Going forward, TEPCO HD will give detailed explanations to the residents of the region about how we will decommission the Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station and move forward with preparations to begin the decommissioning process while obtaining the understanding of community residents. When undergoing these tasks, we shall wholeheartedly devote ourselves to easing the minds of the members of the region in regards to any concerns they may have about not only the Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station but also the decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station.

(Details of notified changes to business operations)
                                             Output capacity of the Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station

※ In accordance with Clause 27-27.3 of the Electric Utility Industry Law, power generation operators must immediately submit a notice to the Minister of the Economy, Trade, and Industry when it has made any changes to the output of structures built for the generation of electricity, etc.

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