Response to the Body Contamination That Occurred During the Cleaning of Additionally Installed Multi-Nuclide Removal Equipment
(Additionally Installed ALPS) Pipes

November 16, 2023

Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc.
Fukushima Daiichi Decontamination and Decommissioning Engineering Company

On October 25, workers were subjected to body contamination when waste cleaning liquid splashed during the cleaning of additionally installed multi-nuclide removal equipment (additionally installed ALPS) at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station.
We deeply regret and deem it to be a serious issue that this incident occurred in the course of a task that we have outsourced to contractors, while we are proceeding with decommissioning work with safety as top priority. Our sincerest sympathy goes out to the contractor workers who were subjected to body contamination.
Furthermore, we deeply apologize for the concern that this issue has caused amongst the regional communities and society as a whole.

We have a contract agreement with Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation (hereinafter referred to as, “Toshiba”) pertaining to the work during which this incident occurred and have interviewed Toshiba about the conditions at the time of the incident. We also requested Toshiba to provide a report on the causes of this incident and recurrence prevention measures.

Today, we received the aforementioned report from Toshiba, and after reviewing the contents, we confirmed that Toshiba failed to comply with some of the contractual obligations (pertaining to work plans and field management, including personal protective equipment, etc.) that we require to Toshiba.

We take this issue very seriously and have asked Toshiba to take corrective action to ensure that the work plans and field management, including personal protective equipment, are appropriate.
In conjunction with this, and in light of the report provided by Toshiba, we will deliberate and implement recurrence prevention measures that address this incident. Furthermore, we will be fully committed to ensuring utmost safety in the decommissioning process by implementing the measures horizontally to other tasks.

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