(Comment) Regarding the Government’s Action Plan concerning the Continuous Implementation of the Basic Policy on Handling of ALPS Treated Water

December 28, 2021

Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc.

At the 3rd meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Council concerning the Continuous Implementation of the Basic Policy on Handling of ALPS Treated Water held today, a mid/long-term action plan that includes measures to ensure safety and minimize the adverse impacts on reputation from the sea discharge of ALPS treated water was presented.

As TEPCO continues to thoroughly implement measures based on the government’s basic policy (announced in April 2021), we will also give careful consideration to this action plan formulated by the government, and work to fulfill our role as the party responsible for minimizing any adverse impacts on reputation.

Specifically, we will strive to design and operate facilities in a manner that ensures safety; have third parties confirm the safety of the water before dilution and discharge; provide accurate information on scientific evidence to parties in Japan and abroad, and listen to the opinions of such parties; strengthen sea area monitoring; and appropriately maintain and manage on-site tanks. We shall also cooperate fully with future reviews by the Nuclear Regulatory Agency; safety inspections by local governments performed in accordance with the Agreement to Ensure the Safety of Decommissioning; and reviews by the IAEA.
Furthermore, TEPCO will strengthen and expand initiatives that focus on each stage of production, processing, distribution and consumption for industries that could suffer adverse impacts on reputation. Regarding the compensation, if any reputational damage occurs despite these countermeasures, we will shall respond appropriately while carefully listening to the opinions of the parties concerned.

As the party responsible for the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Accident, TEPCO will strive to rebuild trust—which is the foundation of our business—and fulfill our responsibility to “balance recovery with decommissioning,” while moving safely and steadily forward with the decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, contaminated water, and treated water countermeasures.

Reference :
Inter-Ministerial Council concerning the Continuous Implementation of the Basic Policy on Handling of ALPS Treated Water (3rd session) (in Japanese only)

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