TEPCO Releases its TEPCO Integrated Report 2018

Nov 22, 2018

Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc

TEPCO announced today the immediate release of the English version of its TEPCO Integrated Report 2018 as a tool for explaining to investors and other stakeholders the company’s financial status and the initiatives it is taking to create value over the long term.

The first TEPCO Integrated Report was issued last year in response to business conditions encountered in the wake of the Fukushima nuclear accident. In light of opinions and requests received from readers in regard to last year’s report, and also anticipated changes in the company’s business environment going forward, the TEPCO Integrated Report 2018 has been expanded with additional content, such as more detailed financial data and environment, social and governance (ESG) information, as well as an introduction to Utility 3.0, the envisioned state of the energy industry in 2050.

TEPCO has also made a strong effort in this year’s report to integrate financial and nonfinancial information and provide explanations in easy-to-understand language.

Through the release of this integrated report and its disclosure of more detailed ESG information, TEPCO aims to further invigorate communication with its stakeholders while continuing to expand the company’s corporate value and better serve society.

The TEPCO Integrated Report 2018 may be viewed at the followinglink:

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