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Construction Operation & Maintenance

Underground Transmission Line

TEPCO has a wealth construction experience in underground power system. Many other utilities (subways, communication cable and water pipes, and other objects) run below the narrow roads in density-populated area, Tokyo. We have a lot of achievements in design, construction technology regarding with power cable tunnel, cable installation and cooling system. We can provide high level and quality consultancy services on Master Plan, Feasibility Study and so on. Underground Transmission Line Design
Subways, telecom cables, gas pipes, water pipes, and many other objects run below the narrow roads, while heavy traffic causes frequent traffic jams . With the large demand and limited amount of space, TEPCO has been in the business of constructing underground transmission lines for decades. To meet this challenge, we have developed various kinds of transmission line technology among them "Tunnel Installation" and "Cooling System" .

1. Content
(1) Tunnel Installation
In the past, underground transmission lines were installed in pipes or directly buried in the ground. However, these methods have become difficult as the number of cable circuits and other underground facilities increases. Consequently, TEPCO has been constructing tunnels, which enables us to install many circuits in a limited area, mainly by shield method which can pass under other objects and reduces influence on traffic.

(2) Cooling System
Heat is generated when electricity flows through cables. When many circuits are installed in a small area, only a small transmission capacity can be obtained due to the large amount of heat eliminating from the cables. However, TEPCO has achieved large power transmission capacity in a limited area by developing tunnel cooling systems. One system is an air-cooling system using electric fans. Another system is the cooled water circulation system with water pipes and refrigerators .

(3) Cable
Recently TEPCO uses XLPE cables which have less transmission loss, no oil tanks, and easy maintenance characteristics. TEPCO has experience in XLPE cable up to 500 kV

2. Scope


3. Example of Our Competence
Title: Joint Study on “Technical Guideline for Underground
Transmission System Designing
Client: TNB Transmission Network Sdn Bhd
Term: January – July 2006
Project Overview: In order to standardize and optimize the work underground transmission system designing, established the “Technical Guideline for Underground Transmission System Designing”, which states the design philosophy and the functional requirements demanded for the equipment and installation.

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