To meet the growing public concern for the enhancement of reliability in supplying electricity and global environmental considerations, there is an increasing requirement for a high-quality power sector infrastructure in the field of generation, transmission and distribution. In line with such global
interests, TEPCO has participated in consulting services of electric facilities overseas, utilizing our expertise and know-how accumulated from our experience in Japan. TEPCO can propose improvement of power supply reliability, assist power sector development and tackle global environmental problems,
etc., in accordance with your requirements.
For more information, there is an exclusive website for overseas consultancy.
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Training Courses
Substation Automation
Protection Relay
Substation Automation

Tokyo Dento Company (the former foundation of TEPCO) introduced the first automation of substation supervisory control in October 1930. Since 1960s the number of substations has been increased to cope with the increasing electricity demand, and also it has become to be expected that high reliability
in power supply should be realized. So that, the centralized SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) system featuring computers was developed, and unmanned system has been adopted mainly for the distribution substations (HV/LV substation which supplies distribution feeders).
Automation of substation supervisory control has made great contributions for the improvement of productivity, efficiency and immediate restoration of outages.
The five days training course is available for the engineers who need the engineering and experience accumulated by TEPCO through its history in the field of automation. TEPCO believes that the course would be really useful for the engineers of utilities, especially for the system planners of the
automation systems.

Centralized SCADA System in TSUNASHIMA Training Center
Course Example
1. Outline of Substation Facilities in TEPCO (Half day)

Sessions for understanding the purpose of automation in TEPCO and acquiring the background in order to study based on the difference between attendant's company and TEPCO.
- Power System in TEPCO
- Trend of the number of substations & employees
- Philosophy of distributed arrangement of
operation and maintenance offices
2. History of Substation Supervisory Remote Control Systems in TEPCO (One day)
Sessions for understanding the philosophy of the system design going through the history of supervisory remote control systems in TEPCO and helping the decision making in attendant's supervisory control system concept.
- History of supervisory remote control systems and subjects to be considered
- Outline of substation supervisory remote control devices
- Outline of substation centralized SCADA systems
3. Functions and Structures of Supervisory Remote Control Devices and Centralized SCADA Systems (One day)

Sessions for understanding detailed specifications and functions of the supervisory control system by using real scale supervisory control system simulator in TEPCO's training center.
- Standard specification and functions of supervisory remote control devices
- Standard specification and functions of centralized SCADA systems
4. Supplemental Facilities Supporting Supervisory Remote Control and Centralized SCADA Systems (Half day)
Sessions for understanding other substation automation measures contributed for the power supply reliability.
- Automatic operation of individual devices
- Automatic operation of individual substations
- Automatic monitoring devices in substations
Please carry out the presentation about the status and problems of attendant's automatic systems, points to be discussed in the later course, and etc.
5. Technical Tour for Control Centers and Distribution Substations (Two days)
Tours for control centers, distribution substations and relay stations to confirm the real facilities and environment in the field.
According to the presentation provided by the attendants, discussion with TEPCO experts will be ready on the last day. TEPCO experts may prepare some recommendations.
Course Instruction Details
For further information regarding the details of the course, please
contact us.