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Press Releases 2014

Press Release (Oct 31, 2014)Electricity Supply-Demand Outlook for FY 2014

We greatly appreciate you customers' understanding of and cooperation with electricity saving after the Great East Japan Earthquake. We here would like to announce our electric power supply and demand outlook for the winter of FY2014.

Taking into account the effects of the electricity saving you have been cooperating in, we estimate that the electricity demand in January and February in FY2014, during which we expect it to be on the rise, will reach 47.0 GW if the weather during that period is seasonably cold, and 49.8 GW if both months are as severely cold as the same months in FY2013.

To this demand, we estimate that we will have 54.55 GW of electric supply capacity in January and 53.75 GW in February even if this winter is an extremely severe winter like that of FY2013.

This means that we will secure 3.95GW of reserve capacity (7.9% of reserve margin) even in February as cold as that of FY2013, and thus, we think we will be able to provide a stable supply of electricity.

At the Electricity Supply-Demand Review Meeting held by the government today, they requested cooperation with electricity saving without setting any specific target figures, * which is a common goal throughout Japan (except for the areas serviced by the Okinawa Electric Power Company, Inc.). We would be grateful for your continued cooperation to save as much electricity as you reasonably can.

We TEPCO will continue to make our best efforts to maintain stable supply of electricity by securing our electric supply capacity through the steady operation and maintenance of our power facilities.

*1. The government estimates that if we save electricity in a "general" or reasonable manner every day, we will be able to reduce electricity consumption by 7.7 % compared with the amount of the maximum electric power consumption in FY2010.
*2. The period of electricity saving requested by the government: 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. on weekdays (except for December 29-31 and January 2) during the period from December 1, 2014 (Monday) to March 31, 2015 (Tuesday).

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