Top > Releases ・ Announcements > Press Releases > 2014 > Compensation for Mental Damage Due to Evacuation etc. (Increase of Compensation Amounts for People in Situations Such as Requiring Long-Term Care)
January 17, 2014
Tokyo Electric Power Company
Fukushima Revitalization Headquarters
We deeply apologize to the people of Fukushima and the broader society for the tremendous inconvenience and anxiety caused by the accident at Fukushima Daiichi and Daini Nuclear Power Stations (hereinafter the "Accident").
We are currently making payments of compensation for mental damage due to evacuation etc. to those who had their main residence in the areas subject to evacuation etc.*1 when the Accident occurred. We would like to announce that we are also starting to pay the following compensation for mental damage due to evacuation etc., which was determined based on requests from applicants for compensation as well as the out-of-court settlement cases handled by the Nuclear Damage Compensation Dispute Resolution Center.
1. Eligible individuals
Out of those who had their main residence in the areas subject to evacuation etc. when the Accident occurred and were forced to evacuate or take other action*2, those who fall into any one of the following categories:
(1) Those who were in particular situations such as requiring long-term care
Those who were in particular situations such as requiring long-term care, i.e., requiring nursing care in their daily life, after the occurrence of the Accident, and can be recognized as bearing a large burden due to evacuation or equivalent experience.
"Those who were in particular situations such as requiring long-term care" are those who fall into any one of the following categories, or who were in equivalent situations.
- Those who can be confirmed by their insured person's certificates for Long-Term Care Insurance as having been certified to require long-term care at nursing care levels 5 to 1.
- Those who can be confirmed by their physical disability certificates as having been certified to have physical disabilities of Grades 1 to 6.
- Those who can be confirmed by their mental disability certificates as having been certified to have mental disabilities of Grades 1 to 3.
- Those who can be confirmed by their rehabilitation certificates as having been certified to have disabilities of degrees A or B.
* We will individually consider and handle cases of those who can be confirmed by certification documents as being in situations equivalent to the above.
(2) Those who cared for a person requiring constant nursing care
Those who cared for a person requiring constant nursing care in their daily life and can be recognized as bearing a large burden due to evacuation or equivalent experience.
"A person requiring constant nursing care in their daily life" is a person who falls into any one of the following categories, or who was in an equivalent situation.
- Those who can be confirmed by their insured person's certificates for Long-Term Care Insurance as having been certified to require long-term care at nursing care levels 5 or 4.
- Those who can be confirmed by their physical disability certificates as having been certified to have physical disabilities of Grades 1 or 2.
- Those who can be confirmed by their mental disability certificates as having been certified to have mental disabilities of Grade 1.
- Those who can be confirmed by their rehabilitation certificates as having been certified to have disabilities of degree A.
* We will individually consider and handle cases of those who can be confirmed by certification documents as being in situations equivalent to the above.
2. Damage subject to compensation
Mental damage due to evacuation etc. that corresponds to additional mental distress resulting from such particular situations as requiring long-term care, or caring for a person requiring constant nursing care in their daily life.
3. Compensation amount
The following amounts will be paid as compensation for mental damage depending on, for example, the required nursing care levels. The compensation announced herein represents the payment of additional compensation corresponding to an increase in the amounts of compensation that were already paid for "mental damage due to evacuation etc."
(1) Compensation to those who were in particular situations such as requiring long-term care
In cases of those who were in particular situations such as requiring long-term care, as described in (1) of 1., the amounts given in the table "Additional payment for particular situations such as requiring long-term care" below shall be payable depending on the required nursing care levels etc. as of November 30, 2013. The table shows the amount per eligible person.
Further, in the case of a person who falls into two or more of the particular situations such as requiring long-term care for the same month, the higher of the applicable amounts shall be payable.
(2) Compensation to those caring for a person requiring constant nursing care
In cases of those who cared for a person requiring constant nursing care, as described in (2) of 1., the amounts given in the table "Additional payment for particular situations such as requiring long-term care" below shall be payable, regardless of the number of people who cared for the eligible person. The table shows the amount per eligible person cared for.
< Additional payment for particular situations such as requiring long-term care >
* We will individually consider and handle cases of those who can be confirmed by certification documents as being in situations equivalent to the above.
4. Documents eligible people need to send (please see the "Attachment")
When you apply for the compensation, you need to send us one of the following certification documents that can confirm the situation such as requiring long-term care that you were in as of November 30, 2013:
- A copy of an insured person's certificate for Long-Term Care Insurance
- A copy of a physical disability certificate
- A copy of a mental disability certificate
- A copy of a rehabilitation certificate
- A copy of a certification document, other than the above certificates, that can confirm that you were in a situation such as requiring long-term care.
If you do not have one of the above documents confirming that you were in a situation such as requiring long-term care as of November 30, 2013 but do have a certification document valid for a period that falls between March 11, 2011 and November 29, 2013, please send us any document that can confirm that you were in a situation such as requiring long-term care as of the date closest to November 30, 2013.
5. Applicable compensation periods
The following periods that fall between March 11, 2011 and November 30, 2013 and within the period already agreed upon as the period to be covered by the compensation for "mental damage due to evacuation, etc."
(1) Those who were in particular situations such as requiring long-term care
The period during which a person in a particular situation such as requiring long-term care as described in (1) of 1. was certified as requiring long-term care.
(2) Those who cared for a person requiring constant nursing care
The period during which a person cared for another person requiring constant nursing care as described in (2) of 1., within the period during which the person requiring constant nursing care was certified as requiring long-term care.
* The applicable compensation periods within March 11, 2011 to November 30, 2013 differ depending upon the area where the eligible person had his/her residence as of March 11, 2011.
6. Sending and acceptance of application forms
Sending and acceptance of the application forms will begin on January 17, 2014. To request an application form, please call the "Fukushima Nuclear Compensation Office (Call Center)" via the number below.
If you have any questions about filling in the application form, please call the "Fukushima Nuclear Compensation Office (Call Center)" via the number below. A TEPCO employee will provide detailed instructions and help you fill in the application form.
*1 Area subject to evacuation etc.: Any area for which the government ordered to evacuate or take other action, which is stipulated in "3. Damages related to government's evacuation orders" of the " Interim Guidelines for Determining the Scope of Nuclear Damages due to the Accident at TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi and Daini Nuclear Power Stations".
*2 Evacuate, stay outside of the areas subject to evacuation, or evacuate indoors.
*3 Evacuation order area: Any area that shall be treated as an "evacuation order area" as defined in the "Second Supplement to the Interim Guidelines for Determining the Scope of Nuclear Damages due to the Accident at TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi and Daini Nuclear Power Stations".
*4 A separate announcement will be made regarding the compensation corresponding to the period from December 1, 2013. Since the compensation amounts will be calculated based on the valid periods and the degrees of required nursing care as detailed in the submitted certification documents etc., please keep any certification documents relating to the applicable period and situation.
<Contact Info for Nuclear Accident Damage Claims>
Fukushima Nuclear Compensation Office (Call Center)
Telephone: 0120-926-404
Time: 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM
< Attachment >:
Documents eligible people need to send (PDF 42.4KB)
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