
Top > Releases ・ Announcements > Press Releases > 2013 > Submission of Report Regarding the Electricity Supply-Demand Outlook for This Summer to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

Press Releases 2013

Press Release (Apr 09, 2013)Submission of Report Regarding the Electricity Supply-Demand Outlook for This Summer to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry


Today, we have submitted data, etc. on the electricity supply-demand outlook for this summer to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in accordance with a directive document "Electricity supply-demand outlook for this summer (Collection of reports)" received from the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry on April 5, 2013.

The electricity supply-demand outlook for this summer will be officially announced after the review by the Subcommittee to investigate electricity supply and demand of the General subcommittee of the General resources and energy investigation committee (provisional translation), etc.

< Reference > Electricity supply-demand balance assuming no restart of nuclear power stations (Contents of the collection of reports) (Unit: 10MW)

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