Top > Releases ・ Announcements > Press Releases > 2013 > Establishment of the "FY 2013 Business Operation Policy"
We hereby announce the establishment of the "FY 2013 Business Operation Policy".
In accordance with the "Management Policy towards Restoration" established in November of last year, we recognize that TEPCO's starting point begins by facing the accident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. To this end, we have established our new mission to "fulfill all of our responsibilities for the accident and realize the world's highest standards of safety while achieving a stable power supply in a competitive environment" while realizing the "Intensive Reform Implementation Action Plan" based on the Management Policy.
The "FY 2013 Business Operation Policy" summarizes the measures to be intensively implemented in FY 2013 and 2014 and sets down the implementation plans for the following 4 intensive measures and the measures towards achieving the 71 action plans.
1. Measures towards the "revitalization of Fukushima"
2. Nuclear safety measures
3. Thorough cost reduction and management for survival
4. Management reforms via the introduction of the in-house company system
Based on the "FY 2013 Business Operation Policy", management will dedicate all of its efforts towards the implementation of thorough corporate reforms and to achieving our new mission.
< Appendix >:
FY 2013 Business Operation Policy (PDF 339KB)
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