Top > Releases ・ Announcements > Press Releases > 2013 > Request for Approval of Photovoltaic Power Promotion Surcharge (Solar Surcharge)
Today, we submitted a request for approval of additional supply conditions not stipulated by the current Terms of Electricity Supply to the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry in order to apply the " photovoltaic power promotion surcharge (hereafter the "solar surcharge")" to the electricity bills of our customers starting from April 2013, in accordance with the "Surplus electricity buyback program for the photovoltaic power generation*".
*The "Surplus electricity buyback program for the photovoltaic power generation" started on November 1, 2009 in accordance with the "Act on promoting the use of nonfossil energy resources and the effective use of fossil energy resources by energy supply utilities" and other related laws (hereinafter the "Acts"). The program has been replaced by the "Fixed price purchasing scheme for renewable energy" based on the "Act on Special Measures Concerning Procurement of Renewable Electric Energy by Operators of Electric Utilities" in July 2012.
The expenses for purchasing the photovoltaic power based on this program are to be borne by all the customers using electricity including HV and EHV customers as the "solar surcharge". Specifically, the surcharge is charged as a part of the electricity charge of each month depending on the amount of consumed electricity and is calculated based on the solar surcharge unit price determined in accordance with the provisions of the Acts.
< Electricity rate calculation (Metered supply) >
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The solar surcharge unit price for FY 2013 calculated based on the provisions of the Acts (to be applied to the electricity charges from April 2013 to March 2014) is as follows.
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As for the wheeling service provisions, we have submitted a request for approving the special provisions related to the solar surcharge to be applied from April 2013 to the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry today.
[Reference] Renewable energy surcharge
The renewable energy surcharge unit price to be applied in April 2013 which is determined based on the provisions of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Procurement of Renewable Electric Energy by Operators of Electric Utilities and other related laws ("Notification to determine the unit price in accordance with Article 12 Section 2 of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Procurement of Renewable Electric Energy by Operators of Electric Utilities", etc.) is as follows.
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The renewable energy surcharge unit price to be applied in May 2013 and later will be announced once the details are provided from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
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