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Press Releases 2017

Press Release (Aug 04, 2017)TEPCO CO2 Emissions Factor for FY 2016

TEPCO Energy Partner, Incorporated

TEPCO Energy Partner, Incorporated (hereinafter called "TEPCO Energy Partner") reported today the CO2 emissions factor for FY 2016 based on the "Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures" to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Ministry of the Environment.

The CO2 emissions factor for FY 2016 was 0.486kg-CO2/kWh before adjustments associated with the Feed-in Tariff for renewable energy sources, and 0.474kg-CO2/kWh after adjustments, with both amounts having decreased by 3% from the previous fiscal year.
These values are to be released by the government for each electric utility following verification by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Ministry of the Environment.

TEPCO Energy Partner and TEPCO Group will continue to pursue environmentally friendly business activities, and contribute to the promotion of preventive measures for global warming in accordance with Japan's energy and environment policies.

For Reference: Changes in CO2 emissions factor etc. by FY for TEPCO Energy Partner
For Reference: Changes in CO2 emissions factor etc. by FY for TEPCO Energy Partner

* The values in parentheses are CO2 emissions factors and CO2 emissions before adjustments associated with the Feed-in Tariff for renewable energy sources based on the "Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures."
* CO2 emissions factors etc. up to 2015 are for the former Tokyo Electric Power Company; those from 2016 are for TEPCO Energy Partner.

※ Under the Feed-in Tariff Scheme for Renewable Energy, in principle, all electricity customers pay a surcharge proportional to the amount of electricity they have consumed, and the environmental values are then distributed fairly amongst them. In accordance with Japan's regulations, these are reflected in the CO2 emissions factor and CO2 emissions.

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