Top > Releases ・ Announcements > Press Releases > 2016 > Restructuring of Departments
TEPCO Fuel & Power, Incorporated
TEPCO Fuel & Power, Incorporated (hereinafter called "TEPCO Fuel & Power") will be restructuring the following departments on July 1st, 2016 and further strengthen efforts toward realizing an internationally competitive energy supply and increasing corporate value.
1.Close the "Fuel Department" and "International Business Office"
As a result of business transfer to JERA Co., Inc. scheduled on July 1st, TEPCO Fuel & Power will close the "Fuel Department" and "International Business Office."
2.Establishment and restructuring of organizations
(1)Establishment of "Management & Planning Office"
To respond quickly to the changing business environment, TEPCO Fuel & Power will establish a "Management & Planning Office."
(2)Establishment of "Thermal Power Operations Department" and "Technical Service Department," and the consequential restructuring
To actively promote Kaizen activities in thermal power stations, which are the base for driving competitiveness, TEPCO Fuel & Power will establish a "Thermal Power Operations Department" to include the required functions.
Also, with a view to increase revenue, TEPCO Fuel & Power will establish a "Technical Service Department" restructured with required functions for utilizing technology and know-how from TEPCO Fuel & Power owned thermal power station operations to provide O&M related technology services to domestic and overseas electricity suppliers.
As a result, TEPCO Fuel & Power will close the "Thermal Power Department," "IPP Development & Operation Office," and "Fuel Facility & Engineering Solutions Office."
< Attachment >:
Outline of Reorganization(PDF 13.6KB)
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