Top > Releases ・ Announcements > Press Releases > 2016 > Commencement of Joint Verification Testing Using Smart-Meter System for Remote Monitoring of LP Gas Security Information and Automation of Meter-Reading Work
TOKAI Holdings Corporation
TEPCO Power Grid, Incorporated
TOKAI Holdings (Headquarters: Shizuoka City, Shizuoka; President & CEO: Katsuhiko Tokita;“TOKAI”) and TEPCO Power Grid, Incorporated (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President & CEO: Toshiro Takebe;“TEPCO Power Grid”) reached an agreement today regarding joint verification testing of the use of TEPCO Power Grid’s smart-meter system for remote monitoring of LP gas security information and automation of meter-reading work (“Testing”).
Specifically, the companies plan to develop gateways and other equipment that make it possible to connect to smart-meter systems owned by TEPCO Power Grid, and by March 2017 to conduct communication testing of the transmission of security and test information from TOKAI’s LP gas meters at testing facilities.
TOKAI is currently working on remote monitoring of LP gas security information and automation of meter-reading work using both telephone lines and wireless communications, but keeping up with the changes in the communications environment going forward is an important issue. TEPCO Power Grid, meanwhile, is installing a smart-meter system, and is looking to promote use of this system. The companies plan to jointly test the operation of developed equipment, and extract the technical issues faced when implementing a smart-meter system for LP Gas security and meter-reading work.
By resolving issues and gaining knowledge through the testing, TOKAI hopes to enhance security and increase efficiency of its LP gas business, and TEPCO Power Grid is considering developing new businesses using smart-meters. In doing so, both companies hope to make major contributions to society.
< Attachment >:
Outline of the Joint Verification Testing(PDF 137KB)
< Reference >:
Summary of TOKAI Holdings Corporation(PDF 93.0KB)
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