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Press Releases 2015

Press Release (Mar 25, 2015)Electricity Supply Plan for the 2015 Fiscal Year Submission

The "Electricity Supply Plan for the 2015 Fiscal Year" has been submitted to the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry today.
The supply forecast of the "Electricity Supply Plan for the 2015 Fiscal Year" is pending. Please refer to the attachment for the summary of the demand forecast, the power generation facility plan, the power network facility plan, the wide area operations and the procurement of thermal power by bidding tender.
Moreover, as of March 31, 2015 all emergency power plant facilities built after the Great East Japan Earthquake will be removed by the abolishment of the No.2 Gas Turbine in Ohi and No.1 to No. 4 Diesel Engines in Anegasaki built as emergency power plant facilities.
We greatly appreciate all the support for the facilities from the local authorities and businesses as well as support from the local citizens.

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