Top > Releases ・ Announcements > Press Releases > 2015 > Electricity Supply-Demand Outlook for the Summer of FY 2015
We greatly appreciate your understanding and cooperation in saving electricity. Today, we have announced the power supply and demand outlook for the summer of FY2015.
With the effects of electricity saving taken into account, the electricity demand in July and August, in which high demand is expected, is estimated to reach 49.2 GW (assuming normal summer temperatures) or 50.9 GW (assuming high temperatures similar to the hot summer in 2010).
In light of the assumption of the re-starting of Shiobara Power Station in July ,at where the operation has been suspended by water outage, (1-3units : total 0.9 GW) , the power supply capacity is estimated to be 55.47 GW in July and to be 56.50 GW in August .
Based on this estimate, reserve power of 4.57 GW and a reserve margin of 9.0% will be secured in July, which will ensure a stable power supply, even if this summer became as hot as that in FY2010.
At the "Meeting on power supply and demand" held by the government today, it was stated that "We request cooperation*1 in electricity saving on the basis that such electricity saving*2can be reliably performed in a way that minimizes the impact on people's lives and on economic activity in nationwide (except Okinawa Electric Power Company area)". We would like to ask our customers their continuous efforts to save electricity in a feasible base.
We make every effort to ensure a stable power supply, making resolute progress in securing power supply capacity through the proper running/maintenance of power facilities.
*1 A power saving of 12.2% (proportional to the maximum power saving established in 2010) is indicated as a guideline.
*2 The times and periods for power saving requested by the Government:
Wednesday, July 1st, 2015 - Wednesday, September 30th, 2015, between 9:00 - 20:00 on weekdays, except for Thursday, August 13th - Friday, August 14th.
< Attachment >:
Details of supply capacity for the summer of FY2015(PDF 90.3KB)
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