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Press Releases 2014

Press Release (Sep 28, 2014)Fuel Cost Adjustment in the Electricity Rates for November, 2014

Today, in response to the publication of the fuel prices for June to August, 2014 (trade statistics prices of crude oil, LNG, and coal), the fuel cost adjustment unit prices in the electricity rates for November, 2014 have been fixed as follows:

1.Fuel cost adjustment unit prices
Fuel cost adjustment unit prices

2.Impact on the average model
The electricity rates for November 2014 will be 8,402 yen, which is a decrease of 21 yen from those for October.
Impact on the average model

* The rates shown in the table are applicable to the case of 30A of meter-rate lighting B with electricity consumption of 290 kWh/month. They include the renewable energy power promotion surcharge, the automatic bank transfer discount, and a consumption tax and other costs.
* The renewable energy power promotion surcharge in the average model which is applied to the electricity rates for May 2014 to April 2015 is 217 yen.

(1)Average fuel prices (trade statics)
Average fuel prices (trade statics)

(2)Trend in fuel prices
Trend in fuel prices

Attachment 1
Calculation of the Fuel Cost Adjustment Unit Price and the Electricity Rates for November 2014(PDF 171KB)PDF

Attachment 2
Calculation of the Electricity Rates for Each Contract Ampere in November 2014(PDF 61.3KB)PDF

*Please go to for the outline of Fuel Cost Adjustment System.

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