Top > Releases ・ Announcements > Press Releases > 2014 > Establishment of the 'Productivity Doubling Committee'
Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) has established the 'Productivity Doubling Committee' today to proceed to further implementation of cost reduction measures including emergency cost deferral.
TEPCO is not in the position of presenting a concrete re-start plan for Kashiwazaki Kariwa Nuclear Power Station, facing the urgent task of reviewing its management targets. It is necessary to proceed to further cost reduction measures including emergency cost deferral in the short term, while ensuring that the deferral would not increase costs in subsequent years.
Furthermore, further efforts must be made to improve productivity in order to gain competitiveness in view of the progress of the nation's electricity system reform.
This Committee, led by TEPCO Chairman Fumio Sudo, consists of TEPCO directors and the members of the Procurement Committee (established on November 19, 2012), which is made up of external experts on corporate regeneration and cost reduction. The Committee will thoroughly explore any room left for cost reduction and productivity improvement, and compile a 'Corporate Streamlining Report' as its final report by the end of this year.
Through these initiatives, TEPCO plans to meet the cost reduction target set out in the New Comprehensive Special Business Plan (4,821.5 billion yen over ten years), and improve productivity on a continuous basis.
< Attachment >:
Overview of the 'Productivity Doubling Committee' (PDF 58.7KB)
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