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Press Releases 2014

Press Release (Jun 11, 2014)Conclusion of consulting contract on the efficient use of electricity in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Tokyo Electric Power Company ("TEPCO") has signed a technical consulting contract (period: from August 2014 to November 2015) with Saudi Electricity Company ("SEC"), in regard to the efficient use of electricity.

As a result of prior relations between the two companies and TEPCO's contributions to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ("KSA"), such as the establishment of the "Master Plan for Energy Conservation in the Power Sector in the KSA" (through the Japan International Cooperation Agency ("JICA"), from February 2007 to March 2009) and consulting work on the "Technical Cooperation Project on Sustainable Promotion of Energy Conservation in the KSA" (contracted by the Ministry of Water and Electricity in the KSA from October 2009 to March 2010), SEC requested that TEPCO provide consulting services with technical support to resolve the issues it faces.

Due to the explosive increase in electricity demand* caused by economic and population growth, SEC, which is responsible for electricity supply throughout the KSA, has encountered issues in enhancing its supply capacity. Since its capacity enhancement is struggling to keep pace with the growth in electricity demand, electricity power shortages have occurred regularly in the KSA, and drastic resolutions to suppress the maximum demand are required.

In response to these issues, TEPCO is planning to analyze the KSA's electricity supply conditions and propose measures that can promote electricity saving on the demand side and reduce electricity loss at distribution facilities. Through these measures, TEPCO can contribute to the provision of a stable electricity supply and enable the KSA to strengthen and operate its facilities effectively.

TEPCO has declared a policy of promoting overseas projects in the "FY 2014 TEPCO Group Action Plan (March 31, 2014)". To realize the revitalization of Fukushima as swiftly as possible, TEPCO has been promoting its overseas consulting business with the engineering skills and know-how that it has cultivated in the domestic and overseas markets.


* The KSA's maximum electricity demand has grown at an annual average of 8% (2004-2008). In addition, maximum electricity demand is predicted to exceed 75GW by 2020 (38GW in 2008). (Source: "Electric power industries of foreign countries 2010", Japan Electric Power Information Center, Inc.)

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