Top > Releases ・ Announcements > Press Releases > 2014 > Submission of "Application for starting specified-scale electricity business" by TEPCO Customer Service Corporation Limited
May 22, 2014
Tokyo Electric Power Company
Tepco Customer Service Corporation Limited
Tepco Customer Service Corporation Limited (hereinafter "TCS"), a 100% owned subsidiary of Tokyo Electric Power Company (hereinafter "TEPCO"), filed an "Application for starting specified-scale electricity business" with the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, today.
In addition to making the utmost efforts across the whole TEPCO group in order to fulfill our responsibilities for compensation, decommissioning work, and the revitalization of Fukushima Prefecture, TEPCO is engaging in the development of new energy services in advance of the reform of the electricity system, and working to increase corporate value while providing a stable supply of electricity. These undertakings are based on the New Comprehensive Special Business Plan, which was approved on January, 15 2014. In line with our plans to offer power retailing services across Japan, we have today registered TCS as a Power Producer and Supplier (hereinafter "PPS").
Hereafter, we will begin business operations as the TEPCO Group, with a view to commencing power sales during this fiscal year.
Specifically, we will offer services as a PPS who can minimize customers' energy costs, by incorporating high quality power supply contracts and billing services that utilize the expertise cultivated via TCS's running of calculation and billing operations outsourced by TEPCO, in addition to the total energy solutions which TEPCO has thus far offered its customers.
The TEPCO Group aims to create new value making full use of new technology and knowledge, and achieve sales outside the Kanto area of 34 billion yen after 3 years and 170 billion yen after 10 years, and fulfill our responsibilities for the revitalization of Fukushima.
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TCS Company Profile (PDF 11.3KB)
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