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Press Releases 2014

Press Release (Jan 14, 2014)Notification of Changes to General Supply Provisions

Today, we submitted notification of changes to the general supply provisions, the Optional Supply Provisions, and the Provisions for Last Resort Service (effective March 1, 2014) to the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry in order to reflect the new consumption tax rate in electricity rates from April this year.

The notification was submitted to reflect the new consumption tax rate in electricity rates charged to customers from April this year, since the consumption tax rate will change from 5% to 8% on April 1, 2014 following the amendment of the Consumption Tax Act and Local Tax Act*.

The new consumption tax rate will also be reflected in electricity rates for high voltage and extra-high voltage customers.

The above provisions and the Electricity Supply and Demand Provisions (provisions for high voltage and extra-high voltage customers) will be made public on the TEPCO website etc.

* Amendment of Consumption Tax Act and Local Tax Act:
Amendment of Consumption Tax Act and Local Tax Act as per the "Bill to Amend the Consumption Tax Act, Etc., for Securing Revenue to Fund the Increased Cost of Social Security" and the "Bill to Amend the Local Tax Act and Local Allocation Tax Act for Securing Revenue to Fund the Increased Cost of Social Security".

< Attachments >
Appendix 1: Detailed Contents of the Changes to General Supply Provisions (PDF 53.1KB)PDF
Appendix 2: Tariff of Electricity Rates (for low voltage (100V or 200V) residential and store/office customers) (PDF 307KB)PDF

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