Top > Releases ・ Announcements > Press Releases > 2013 > Establishment of ‘Decommissioning Company' (tentative name)
We would like to announce that we have decided to establish a new internal entity, with the tentative name of ‘Decommissioning Company (hereinafter referred to as ‘the company')' to focus on measures for decommissioning and contaminated water. The company is scheduled to commence operations around April, 2014.
<Objectives and reasons for the establishment>
- In response to the decision to decommission Units 5 and 6 of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, the company will clarify the framework of responsibility and work intensively on measures for decommissioning and contaminated water at Fukushima Daiichi NPS.
- The company will fundamentally review reporting lines and decision-making processes in such areas as measures against contaminated water outflow into the port and contaminated water leakage from the tanks.
- In order to perform the decommissioning work in a steadfast manner, the company will create a structure whereby it may pro-actively use the expertise of both internal and external experts.
<Outline of Decommissioning Company (tentative name)>
- The head of the company (Company President) will function as Chief Decommissioning Officer (CDO) for decommissioning and contaminated water measures, so that he may swiftly and flexibly respond to the various tasks arising from the site.
- Outside personnel, such as nuclear division directors at manufacturers, will be invited to serve as vice presidents, in addition to TEPCO personnel.
- A ‘Company Management Meeting' will be organized inside the company as a mechanism whereby various decisions on the injection of human and financial resources may be made. The company will also enhance its project management system, and improve and strengthen its on-site technical skills.
- The company will undertake its tasks in ‘all Japan' fashion, by cooperating with the ‘International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning' and by actively making use of outside professional personnel.
Long term decommissioning work and contaminated water measures require a framework that is suited to a project at the national level, and we will discuss the development of a concrete organizational framework and business management structure based on this fact.
We will closely align the company with divisions including the Nuclear Power Department and other in-house companies, and steadfastly fulfill our responsibilities for the Fukushima Nuclear Accident as a united Tokyo Electric Power Company group.
< Attachment >:
Decommissioning Promotion Structure (PDF 82.8KB)
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