
Top > Releases ・ Announcements > Fukushima Daiichi NPS Prompt Report > 2013 > The Water Dropping from the Joint Pipe between C5 and C6 Tanks at F area on the Sea side of Units 5 and 6

Fukushima Daiichi NPS Prompt Report 2013

Fukushima Daiichi NPS Prompt Report (Dec 19, 2013)The Water Dropping from the Joint Pipe between C5 and C6 Tanks at F area on the Sea side of Units 5 and 6

At around 10:20 PM today (on December 18, 2013), an associate company worker found water was dropping from the flange part of the joint pipe (C5 tank side) between C5 and C6 tanks, approx. at the pace of one drop per minute, when he was on patrol at F area tank (on the north of Units 5 and 6).

When finding this dropping, a dropped water was found over a range of approx. 30cm×5cm×1mm (thickness). It remained inside the dike, and did not leak to the ocean. The flange part was protected with vinyl.

Accumulated groundwater of the Units 5 and 6 Turbine Buildings are stored inside the C5 and C6 tanks.

We are examining the situation of the leak etc. right now.

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