
Top > Releases ・ Announcements > Fukushima Daiichi NPS Prompt Report > 2013 > Oil Leakage at the Desalination System 3 (RO-3-1) in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

Fukushima Daiichi NPS Prompt Report 2013

Fukushima Daiichi NPS Prompt Report (Jul 22, 2013)Oil Leakage at the Desalination System 3 (RO-3-1) in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

At around 5:00 AM today (July 22), an associated company worker found oil leaking near a high-pressure pump of the desalination system 3 (RO-3-1) in Fukushima Daiichi NPS.

The high-pressure pump was suspended, and the oil leakage was confirmed to be stopped as a result of a visual inspection at the site around 6:00 AM.
The leaked oil was lubricating oil accumulated on a weir of concrete floor, and leaked range is estimated to be approx. 1.5 liters (approx.1.5m x approx. 1m x approx. 1mm).

The incident was reported to Tomioka fire department at 5:45 AM today (July 22).

We will continue to inspect the condition and the cause of the leakage.

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