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Press Releases 2013

Press Release (Jul 02, 2013)Regarding the Application for Adaption to the New Safety Standards for Kashiwazaki-Kariwa NPS

We have decided today, to promptly apply for adaption to the new safety standards* of the Nuclear Regulation Authority, after they have been put into effect, for Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Station (NPS) Units 6 and 7, since preparation has been completed with these units.

Safety measures at Kashiwazaki-Kariwa NPS have been stringently reviewed, focusing on whether they provide sufficient preparation for severe accidents in terms of both facility and human aspects, reflecting upon the Fukushima nuclear accident.

We have been implementing safety standards to the maximum extent possible, taking into account our repentance and the lessons learned from the accident. We believe that, by this application, these measures will be confirmed by the Nuclear Regulation Authority, whether or not they are adapted to their new safety standards.

Accordingly, we will explain this to Niigata Prefecture, Kashiwazaki City and Kariwa Town as soon as possible.

We will continue to make our utmost efforts to gain the understanding of Niigata Prefecture, Kashiwazaki City and Kariwa Town, with regard to the safety reinforcement measures of the nuclear power station and the restructuring of the nuclear organization and safety culture.

* Application for adaption to the new safety standards
Application to the Nuclear Regulation Authority for changes to the installation of the nuclear power station facilities, construction plans and the revision of the technical specification, in order for it to be reviewed whether the facilities conform technically to the new safety standards issued by the Authority, and have our nuclear power station safety evaluated.

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