Top > Releases ・ Announcements > Press Releases > 2013 > Current Status of the Bids on Thermal Power Generation Facilities
Since February 15 this year, we have accepted the bids for the thermal power generation facilities which will have the capacity of 2,600 MW and will start operating between June 2019 and June 2021. At 16:00 today, we stopped accepting the bids and opened the bidding documents. The number of the bids accepted is as follows.
We are planning to decide a successful bidder candidate by the end of June, and submit our draft evaluation report to the neutral body. After its study on the report, we plan to decide a final successful bidder by the end of July.
The number of the bids accepted 3 (680MW)
By type of business
- Iron and steel 1
- Electric power and gas 2
By type of fuel
- Coal 3
By operation start period
- FY2020 3
* This bid has been implemented under the new guidelines for bidding on thermal power generation facilities (developed by the Agency for Natural Resources Energy on September 18, 2012) and the request for proposal for bidding on thermal power generation facilities (developed by TEPCO on February 12, 2012).
< Appendix >:
Bids on Thermal Power Generation Facilities (PDF 20.0KB)
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