
Top > Releases ・ Announcements > Press Releases > 2013 > Situation of storing and treatment of accumulated water including highly concentrated radioactive materials at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (100th Release)

Press Releases 2013

Press Release (May 22, 2013)Situation of storing and treatment of accumulated water including highly concentrated radioactive materials at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (100th Release)

On June 9, 2011, we received an instruction document*, "Installment of treatment facility and storing facility of water including highly concentrated radioactive materials at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (Instruction)" from Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA) of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

(Previously announced on June 9, 2011)

Since then, per the instruction, we have been treating the water accumulated in the Central Radioactive Waste Treatment Facility that contains highly concentrated radioactive materials. We announce today we submitted a report to the Nuclear Regulation Authority regarding the latest updates of storage and treatment of the accumulated water.

-Situation of storage and treatment of accumulated water including highly concentrated radioactive materials at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (100th Release) [Revised Version] (PDF 160KB)PDF

* Regarding the attachment announced on May 22, 2013, it has been confirmed that there were some incorrect descriptions and therefore we hereby would like to correct them as follows.

As for "Storage and treatment of high level radioactive accumulated water [as of May 21, 2013] (Attachment-1)," the figure written at the column of "treated volume" and "cumulative treated volume" in the chart at the bottom part of the report and in the "Note 7" was 20m3 larger than the actual data.

Therefore, availability factor of 2nd Cesium Adsorption Apparatus was changed to 67.1% in the column of "[Highlights from the previous update (May 14, 2013) to the present status]" at the bottom part of the report.

As for "Storage and treatment of high level radioactive accumulated water [May 28, 2013] (Attachment-2)," the figure written at the column of "cumulative treated volume" in the chart at the bottom part of the report and in the "Note 4" was 20m3 larger than the actual data.

(Corrected on May 29, 2013)

* Installment of treatment facility and storage facility of water including highly concentrated radioactive materials at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (Instruction) (NISA No. 6, June 8, 2011)

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