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Press Releases 2013

Press Release (Apr 26, 2013)Report on Continuous Collection of New Scientific and Technical Findings on Seismic Safety of Nuclear Facilities and Incorporation of New Findings into the Seismic Safety Evaluation at our Nuclear Power Stations to the Nuclear Regulation Authority

In accordance with the directive document* received from the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry on May 8, 2009, we have been making efforts in collecting new scientific and technical findings on to seismic safety of nuclear facilities. Today, we have reported on the activities implemented in FY 2012 (from April 1, 2012 to March 31, 2013) to the Nuclear Regulation Authority.

In specific, we have summarized information on seismic safety evaluation of nuclear facilities which may contribute to the reevaluation of seismic safety and seismic margin which was acquired by reports, research papers, publications, overseas information, etc. announced by government organizations, academic societies and associations related to seismic safety announced in FY 2012.

As a result, we have found 5 pieces of information unique to our nuclear power stations which needs to be incorporated into the safety evaluation against Tsunami.

The new findings on seismic safety of nuclear facilities will be incorporated into the seismic safety improvement measures implemented at our nuclear power stations. The trend of the findings will continue to be carefully monitored and new findings will be incorporated into the seismic safety improvement measures as necessary.

We will continue our efforts in collecting new scientific and technical findings on seismic safety of nuclear power stations.

Report on Continuous Collection of New Scientific and Technical Findings on Seismic Safety of Nuclear Facilities and Incorporation of New Findings into the Seismic Safety Evaluation at our Nuclear Power Stations (Overview) (PDF 11.3KB)

Report on Continuous Collection of New Scientific and Technical Findings on Seismic Safety of Nuclear Facilities and Incorporation of New Findings into the Seismic Safety Evaluation at our Nuclear Power Stations (PDF 256KB)

*Directive document
"Continuous Collection of New Scientific and Technical Findings on Seismic Safety of Nuclear Facilities and Incorporation of New Findings into the Seismic Safety Evaluation at Nuclear Power Stations" (April 13, 2009 NISA No.3)

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