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Press Releases 2013

Press Release (Mar 29, 2013)FY 2013 Transportation Plan for Spent Fuels, etc.

We announce our transportation plan for FY 2013 as follows. Spent fuels will be transported to Recyclable-Fuel Storage Company (Mutsu City in Aomori Prefecture) for the first time. Low-level radioactive waste will be transported to Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited (Rokkasho Village in Aomori Prefecture). No transportation is planned for fresh fuels.

1. FY 2013 Transportation Plan for Spent Fuels

(Note) The plan above is subject to change.
Tons U: Weight of metallic uranium contained in fuel assemblies.
Spent fuels are not planned to be transported to Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited (Rokkasho Village in Aomori Prefecture).

2. FY 2013 Transportation Plan for Low-level Radioactive Waste

(Note) The plan above is subject to change.

3. FY 2013 transportation plan for fresh fuels
No transportation is planned for fresh fuels for our nuclear power stations.

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