Top > Releases ・ Announcements > Press Releases > 2013 > Introduction of the In-house Company System
The in-house company system will be introduced on April 1 in accordance with power system reforms to be implemented for the purpose of fostering independent decision-making in each business sector while realizing increased profits and enhanced competition.
In accordance with the "Management Policy towards Restoration" established in November of last year, we recognize that fully facing the accident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station is the starting point of TEPCO, and we have established our new mission to "fulfill all of our responsibilities for the accident and realize the world's highest standards of safety while achieving stable power supply in a competitive environment" and are in the midst of implementing thorough corporate reforms based on the "Intensive Reform Implementation Action Plan".
In the In-house Company System to be introduced as one of the pillars of reform, a "Fuel & Power Company", "Power Grid Company" and "Customer Service Company" will be established with the aim to establish a Holding Company System in the future.
The President of each Company will foster competitiveness and future growth through advancing autonomous business operations and encouraging healthy rivalry between the companies while forging alliances with external parties.
A corporate division separate from the other three companies mentioned above will enable us to exert our collective strengths through supporting management and efficiently providing services common to all companies. In addition, a new accounting system will be established to achieve thorough managerial accounting at each Company, sector and place of business as well as enhance cost awareness and encourage behavioral transformation among employees.
The business plan for each Company is planned to be announced by around the end of March.
We will continue to work towards reforms in order to fulfill our new mission.
< Appendix >:
Summery of each Company (PDF 9.86KB)
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