Top > Releases ・ Announcements > Press Releases > 2013 > Commercial Operation Commencement of Group 2, Unit 1 of Kawasaki Thermal Power Station
The commercial operation of Group 2, Unit 1 of Kawasaki Thermal Power Station (500 MW) has commenced today.
The power generation method is 1,500℃ grade combined cycle power generation (MACC: More Advanced Combined Cycle) and it is the seventh MACC unit to commence commercial operation following Units 1-3 of Group 1 and Units 1-3 of Group 4 at Kawasaki Thermal Power Station.
The features of Group 2, Unit 1 of Kawasaki Thermal Power Station are as follows.
1. The world's highest thermal efficiency of 59%
By achieving a combustion temperature of 1,500℃ with the latest heat-resistant materials and cooling technologies for the gas turbine, the world's highest thermal efficiency of 59% (among power generation facilities currently in operation) has been realized. Compared to the conventional LNG thermal power generation, the heat efficiency has improved by approx. 40% and the fuel usage and CO2 emission have been reduced by approx. 25%.
2. Environment-friendly power station with the latest technology (air pollution mitigation)
Environment-friendly equipment such as the latest low NOx (nitrogen oxide) combustor, high performance NOx removal equipment, etc. have been introduced.
We will continue our efforts in securing stable power supply through ensuring the steady operation and maintenance of power facilities.
< Appendix >:
Overview of Kawasaki Thermal Power Station (PDF 82.4KB)
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