
Corporate Information

Press Release (Mar 12,2012)
Resubmission of Report on Results of Comprehensive Evaluation (Primary Evaluation) regarding Safety of Units 1 and 7 of Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Station to Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA)
We have reported the results of the comprehensive safety evaluation 
(primary evaluation) to the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA) 
on January 16, 2012, per instructions received from NISA on July 22, 2011, 
titled "Comprehensive Evaluation of Existing Nuclear Power Reactor 
Facilities after the Accident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, 
Tokyo Electric Power Co., Inc., (Instruction)". 
                        (Announced on July 22, 2011, and January 16, 2012)
Later, in the process of preparing documents for the examination we came 
across some incorrect data (5 inaccuracies) in the report. However, we also 
confirmed that these 5 inaccuracies do not affect the evaluation results.
                                           (Announced on January 25, 2012)
Since we found errors in the report, we once again checked whether there 
were any other errors in the report. As a result, we found 158 errors (Unit 
1: 81 errors, Unit 7: 77 errors) (including 5 errors reported on January 25, 
2012). However, we also confirmed that those errors found this time do not 
affect the evaluation results.
We reported this issue to NISA on February 1, 2012. On the same day, NISA 
verbally instructed us to first, reestablish the quality assurance system 
including the investigation of the causes and preventive measures regarding 
errors, and then to review the report again and re-submit it.
                                           (Announced on February 1, 2012)
Later, we reestablish the quality assurance system including the 
investigation of the causes and preventive measures regarding errors, and 
reviewed the report thoroughly.
As a result, we found 239 errors (Unit 1: 118 errors, Unit 7: 121 errors) 
(including 158 errors reported up to on February 1, 2012). However, we also 
confirmed that those errors found this time do not affect the evaluation 
Today, we corrected 239 errors contained in the report submitted to NISA 
on January 16, 2012, and re-submitted after revising the expression.
Attachment 1: Results of Re-survey on Errors in Report on Results of 
              Comprehensive Evaluation (Primary Evaluation) regarding 
              Safety of Units 1 and 7 of Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power 
              Station (Overview) (PDF 16.0KB) 
Attachment 2: Comprehensive Evaluation (Stress Test) regarding Safety on 
              Unit 1 and Unit 7 of Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Station, 
              Primacy Evaluation and Safety Countermeasures (PDF 2.78MB) 
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