
Corporate Information

Press Release (Sep 22,2011)
(Announcement)Extension of Planned Working Period of Regular Inspection for Unit 1, Kashiwazaki Kariwa Nuclear Power Station
We began the 16th regular inspection of Unit 1 from August 6, 2011. The 
working period was planned for 60 days. As for arranging alternative 
seawater heat exchange equipment, which is one of the countermeasures 
against tsunamis that we have been implementing during this period, we 
verified in detail the relationships with other on-site equipment and 
arrangement work as well as creating a detailed design. As a result, we 
will extend the regular inspection period by about 2 months with an 
expected completion date sometime in the end of November.

 Image of alternative seawater heat exchange equipment (PDF 24.9KB)

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