
Corporate Information

Press Release (Apr 08,2011)
Electricity bill discounts due to planned rolling blackouts
We will discount the electricity bills of the customers in the areas where
our supply of electricity was suspended due to the 
Tohoku-Chihou-Taiheiyo-Oki Earthquake on Friday, March 11, 2011 and its 
afterquakes and due to the implementation of planned rolling blackouts 
since Monday, March 14, 2011.

We will discount 4% of demand charges per day for customers including 
general households who receive low voltage power or those who receive high
voltage power with their contract capacity of less than 500 kW if the 
total hour of outage is equal to or exceeds 1 hour in a day. We will 
sequentially conduct bill adjustments on and after we charge May 2011 bills.

We sincerely regret causing inconvenience and anxiety to our customers and
the society regarding the implementation of planned rolling blackouts due
to the tight power supply and demand balance. We appreciate your 

Appendix:Exhibit (PDF 11.9KB)
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