We sincerely express our best wish for all the customers who have suffered
from the Tohoku-Chihou-Taiheiyo-Oki Earthquake ("Earthquake").
If requested from customers who suffered from Earthquake in cities, wards,
towns or villages where the Disaster Relief Act was applied and their
adjacent areas, we have been offering special measures for the electricity
bills for such customers (as previously announced on March 15th, 16th 18th
and 25th). In order to reduce more burden, we decided to enlarge the
special measures and applied to Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry
for exceptional conditions on electricity supply (Special Measures for the
customers who have seriously suffered from the Tohoku-Chihou-Taiheiyo-Oki
Earthquake) to General Supply Provisions, based on a proviso of Section I
of Article 21 of Electricity Business Act and received his approval.
The outline of enlarged special measures on electricity rates and others
is stipulated in the appendix.
Regarding the wheeling services, we also decided to take special measures
on electricity rates and others and applied to Minister of Economy, Trade
and Industry for exceptional conditions on electricity supply to General
Wheeling Supply Service Provisions, based on a proviso of Section II of
Article 24.3 of Electricity Business Act and received his approval.
Appendix(PDF 140KB)
Reference: the Disaster Relief Act applied areas(PDF 142KB)