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(April 28,2016 Update)

Top > Corporate Information > Investor Relations > Financial / Operational data > Five-year Earnings Summary (Consolidated)

Five-year Earnings Summary (Consolidated)

  FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015
Operating Revenue million yen 5,349,445 5,976,239 6,631,422 6,802,464 6,069,928
Ordinary income or loss million yen -400,405 -326,955 101,418 208,015 325,938
Net income or loss million yen -781,641 -685,292 438,647 451,552 140,783
Net Assets million yen 812,476 1,137,812 1,577,408 2,102,180 2,218,139
Total Assets million yen 15,536,456 14,989,130 14,801,106 14,212,677 13,659,769
BPS yen 491.22 72.83 343.31 669.60 746.59
EPS(basic) yen -487.76 -427.64 273.74 281.80 87.86
EPS(diluted) yen - - 88.87 91.49 28.52
Equity Ratio % 5.1 7.5 10.5 14.6 16.1
ROE % -66.7 -72.0 32.9 24.9 6.6
PER times - - 1.52 1.61 7.05
Cash Flow from Operating Activities million yen -2,891 260,895 638,122 872,930 1,077,508
Cash Flow from Investing Activities million yen -335,101 -636,698 -293,216 -523,935 -620,900
Cash Flow from Financing Activities million yen -614,734 632,583 -301,732 -626,023 -394,300
Cash and Cash Equivalents at end of year million yen 1,253,877 1,514,564 1,564,047 1,292,477 1,399,910
Number of employees (Average number of temporary employees are in parentheses) persons 52,046


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